Hello again! After exploring the blogging world, it is time to move on to something new. Next on our itinerary is the popular social media site, Twitter. For me, the concept of using Twitter is nothing new, as I have a personal account that I check at least five times a day. It is a way to stay connected with not only friends and family, but celebrities and organizations all over the world. I am very familiar with the layout and mechanics of Twitter, and I hope that this experience will help me navigate this next challenge.
I have been assigned to create a professional Twitter page for myself and my future career. I have only ever used Twitter for social engagements, and never for professional advancement, so this will be something new. I am excited to explore this new side of Twitter, and I am confident that it will be smooth sailing because of my prior experience on the site.
I feel right at home with the basics of the Twitter interface, and I am looking forward to this next project. I think that I will be able to follow education foundations as well as current and past teachers, and hopefully be able to receive teaching advice and ideas. I am curious at how current teachers are integrating Twitter into their classrooms, and I am looking forward to learning new teaching styles. I have been doing a small amount of research about how to successfully create a professional Twitter account, and clicking on the info graphic above will provide you with helpful tips that I took into account when creating mine. Thanks again and enjoy your journey!
I feel right at home with the basics of the Twitter interface, and I am looking forward to this next project. I think that I will be able to follow education foundations as well as current and past teachers, and hopefully be able to receive teaching advice and ideas. I am curious at how current teachers are integrating Twitter into their classrooms, and I am looking forward to learning new teaching styles. I have been doing a small amount of research about how to successfully create a professional Twitter account, and clicking on the info graphic above will provide you with helpful tips that I took into account when creating mine. Thanks again and enjoy your journey!
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